Seems like two weeks since I did one of these…oh yeah, it’s been two weeks since I did one of these. At least I had a reasonable excuse for letting down my loyal and constant readers!
:: I’m not showing you the rest of this strip, because these panels perfectly set up the Dennis the Menace strip we’d all like to see, the one where Mr. Wilson murders Dennis with a pair of garden shears. (Yeah, two from the same blog. I couldn’t choose which to use, so I tossed all of my self-imposed rules aside and used ’em both. Because I can.)
:: Sometimes, those of us who choose to find joy or (at least refrain from dwelling on all that is somehow less than what we had hoped or dreamed) are dismissed as being less transparent or true than others. (Is anybody besides me getting the vibe that M-MV might be winding down? That would be…bad.)
What I am is a You-ist.
:: As I’ve said before, I do not deny the existence of God, but there are some things that I do deny. Many of them actually assume that God exists, so what I mean then is that “if there is a God, I deny that he is like x.” (I’m becoming interested in “spiritual journey” blogs lately. This one, which I found a couple of weeks ago although I don’t recall where, is by a person who has left the Mormon church.)
:: There is only one major issue on which I stand completely alone, reviled by all. And it’s this: Budweiser (by which I mean the real Budweiser, the beer which has been sold under that brand by Anheuser-Busch since 1876) is really quite a good beer. (I was all set to note that I’ve never understood the nearly universal loathing for Bud that I hear from people who drink beer, but then I remembered that to the best of my recollection, I’ve never actually had Bud. I’ve had Bud Lite, but that’s not the same thing. And besides, Yeungling’s better anyway, so I have no use for Bud.)
:: I hate Budweiser because it is lousy beer. I’d say it tastes like crap, but the flavor isn’t strong enough to even say that. It’s the weak instant coffee of beers — a horribly bland vaguely beer-like beverage with a hint of crap. Cold Bud and warm Coors Light are what is on tap in Hell. (And here, a rebuttal to the Budweiser post from above.)
:: I could really get used to “sissy camping”. (Remember that early episode of The Brady Bunch when the newly-united family went camping, and after Mike and the boys failed to catch a bunch of fish for dinner, Carol and the girls popped up with the baskets they’d packed full of fried chicken and such? And when Mike Brady’s about to tuck into a chicken leg, a horrified Greg yelps out, “Dad! That’s sissy food!” OK, you had to be there…and maybe since I’m now citing The Brady Bunch in this space, I should consider taking a long, long hiatus….)
All for now. Tune in next week, or the puppy gets it.