Something for Thursday

I’ve been on a big SF-reading kick lately (memo to self: blog about books), so here’s some SF music: Michael Giacchino’s end-credits suite from Star Trek 2009. I wasn’t sure what to make of this score when I first heard it, a few weeks before I saw the movie, but it really grew on me to the point where it’s one of my favorite scores from the last ten years of film music. It’s just big, brassy, explodey-spaceshippy space opera music. I especially love how right off the bat he uses Alexander Courage’s famous theme from Star Trek: The Original Series; and at about the 1:00 mark, he blends in the main theme that he composed for this film.

Of all facets of the 2009 Trek, it’s the music that I think is most successful in capturing the tone of Original Series Trek at its best — intelligent space adventure that is optimistic about our future.

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