Sunday Burst of Weirdness (Monday Edition)

A day late, and not that much on display since I spent much of the last four days concocting in my mind Rube Goldberg devices for boring into my sinuses and forcibly draining the mucus therein….

:: But really, I wish I could think to do stuff like this. I love leaving little things like that for people to discover later, but I don’t know if I’d like to do it without the possibility of knowing if it ever came to pass.

:: Wow, do we need a Western NY version of this blog. This guy’s got my vote for Blog of the Year.

:: Worst. Teacher. EVER. This is just appalling. (The teacher has now been reassigned to an office job. Frankly, her behavior here to me screams out “Stern-faced Cafeteria Lady”.)

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One Response to Sunday Burst of Weirdness (Monday Edition)

  1. Anonymous says:

    that insensitive, mean teacher thing really disturbed me. what a nightmare. some people just plain suck.

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