I dunno, folks, is there any interest in me continuing this series? I didn’t do one last week, but there are no guesses at all for the last two installments, UI 49 (for which one might want to follow some evidence) or UI 50 (for which one might require the services of an engineer with lots of, oh, imagination).
Anyway, here’s one that really ought to be pretty easy:
Where are we? Rot-13 the guesses….
Please continue. Unless I am the only one that digs these. Been kinda busy, so I haven’t been able to spend lots of time on the last two…
But this?
Flqarl Bcren Ubhfr
Flqarl Bcren Ubhfr
Looks like I was beaten to the punch by Aaron, though.
As usual, I have no freakin’ clue. For me these aren’t very entertaining because they’re just way too hard. Unless it’s someplace I’ve actually been, I don’t have a chance. And even if I have been there (as with Wrigley) the unfamiliar perspective and lack of context makes it hard.
I agree that you should keep it up. I don’t guess on a lot of them because I have no idea, but it’s still fun to try.
As for this one, I third Flqarl Bcren Ubhfr.
I don’t know what “Flqarl” is supposed to mean, but when I saw this I thought about the Sydney Opera House.
Oops, oops, sorry…I had no idea what “Rot-13” meant until I went there.
So I guess I’ll go with “Flqarl” after all.