We’re building that so we can look at…Buffalo?!

Apparently it’s been 40 years since a big construction project unfolded near Toronto’s waterfront, resulting in the CN Tower.

Oddly, I’ve never gone up in the tower — we’re always doing other stuff when we’re in Toronto, and we go to TO less often than we should anyway. I’d love to go up there, though; as a kid, I remember when we’d always make the trek to the top of the Space Needle when we went to Seattle.

Anyway, more photos of the construction phase here. I guess I was wrong in that they didn’t build the thing complete, lay it down on its side, and then pull it upright.

(No, I didn’t think that.)

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One Response to We’re building that so we can look at…Buffalo?!

  1. Call me Paul says:

    "On a clear day, you can see Buffalo."

    "Strewth! Must be a big herd…"

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