Wow, it’s like 2003 all over again!

Seen in the comments thread here:

Patriots were for the war, Traitors were against it.

Wow. I haven’t heard that kind of rhetoric since the grandest days of warblogger chest-thumping. (The source is one of Alan’s stalwart lunatic right-wing commenters.)

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3 Responses to Wow, it’s like 2003 all over again!

  1. Roger Owen Green says:

    Which would make me a traitor, by that definition…which I do not accept, thank you.

  2. Kerry says:

    Recently, a guest in our home said, "Glenn Beck is a patriot! Everything he said has come true."

    I thought she was joking. She wasn't.

    So I watched Beck's show, in order to figure out what the allure was. But I only made it through a few minutes before throwing the TV out the window.

  3. Erin says:

    Gee, let me guess who that was.

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