Sunday Burst of Weirdness

A couple this week:

:: Screw that: I want a LiteBrite ceiling.

(via Jennifer)

:: This isn’t weird in the classic “Burst of Weirdness” sense, but here’s an impressive short-film in the horror genre. It’s very well done, I thought.

(via LGM)

:: Also not weird in the classic “Burst of Weirdness” sense, Kevin Drum links a couple new examples of professional media critics getting angry about the existence of blogs. To see this kind of thing from movie and book critics strikes me as especially funny; the tone is always along the lines of “How dare you draw your own conclusions about what we review, and how dare you deviate from the wisdom we wish you to receive!” Of course, anyone who delves even a tiny bit into the critical work of yesteryear will almost immediately realize that the critics are flat-out wrong an impressive amount of the time.

I’ve cited this book before, but The Lexicon of Musical Invective is an invaluable reminder that critics are only human.

UPDATE: Mrs M-Mv has a similar reaction to this last one.

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