Another institution struck from the list….

Blogging will be very light this weekend — and, perhaps, nonexistent until Monday. The Wife and I will be spending a night in a local hotel, sans The Daughter, and we’re spending most of tomorrow, if not all of tomorrow, also on “quality together time”. We’ll also be eating at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens, which will constitute the first time I will have set foot in that place in the nearly twenty-five years I’ve called Western New York my home. Now all I need to do is have Chinese at Ming Teh, a burger at Louie’s, and chicken wings at the Anchor Bar and I’ll be set. Oh, and a beef-on-weck at Schwabl’s. (I used to live within walking distance of Schwabl’s, and yet never went there. Ugh!)

So, in the event that I don’t post anything tomorrow, the Burst of Weirdness and the Image of the Week (which I forgot to do last week, oops) will occur on Monday. But do keep checking: you never know, and I have traffic standards to uphold around this place!

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