Sunday Stealing!!!

I always check out Roger’s answers to these before I decide if I want to do the quiz too–sometimes the Sunday Stealing can be a bit heavy–but this week’s seems fine, so let’s do it!

1. If you like art, who is your favourite artist and why?

One of the developments of this point in my life that I did not see coming was my newfound love of museums and art galleries. I never disliked them, by any means, though I do recall having a limited attention span for such things when I was a kid. But now? I find myself almost obsessing over such places. Like, all I want to do is travel to other cities and see museums…and when we’re not traveling, I want to hang out in the museums here. I even bought a membership in the AKG Museum for The Wife and I last Christmas!

My favorite artist would probably be John Constable, whose landscape paintings probably play a big role in my approach (thus far) to landscape photography.


I remember seeing several of his paintings reproduced in a high school English text, and I’ve loved his work ever since.

2. If you were able to learn any three skills or talents instantly and with success, what would they be?

Refrigeration repair (this would be exceedingly handy at work and in general), piano playing (I took lessons as a kid and I was not terrible, but I haven’t touched a piano since college), and maybe some kind of dancing–ballroom, maybe?

3. If you were to live in Ancient Times, where – in what country – would you want to live in?

Celtic Britain, I suppose. Though the “nasty, brutish, and short” nature of life isn’t much of a selling point.

4. What is something you’re embarrassed to admit to liking? Whether it be a guilty pleasure show, or unusual hobby, etc.

Sheesh, I have no idea! I mean, I’m a weird dude who collects bib overalls, wears poofy shirts that make me look like I just walked off the set of a pirate movie, and I think it’s fun to get hit with a pie once in a while. I collect Toby jugs and I have a lovely little collection of toy spaceships. I’m honestly not sure what’s left!

5. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

Beer delivery. This was right after college. I rode around in trucks and helped deliver beer to stores and bars in the Southern Tier. Lots of heavy lifting, and some of those places were really hard to get into. Also, I wasn’t very good at it, and the manager guy decided to can me, but he didn’t have the guts to do it face to face, so he told me to keep calling every day to see if I was needed. This went on for two weeks before the sumbitch finally summoned up the intestinal fortitude to tell me I was done.

The company was called Allegany Beverage and his name was Hank something. If you know him, tell him I said he was a gutless weasel then and I stand by that. Harumph. (I turned out fine, obviously.)

6. What is something that you wanted to do as a child that you would still like to do now?

Conduct a symphony orchestra! I coulda been quite something in that arena! And instead, I’m watching Gustavo Dudamel live my life, the jerk. (Maestro Dudamel is incredibly gifted.)

7. What do you hate being judged for more than anything else?

Not smiling enough. Yes, this is a thing. There’s an expectation in a lot of walks of life where you’re supposed to be wearing a permagrin, and if you aren’t smiling at every moment, people assume you’re in a bad mood or, worse, you’re unfriendly and antisocial. This is utter nonsense. Anybody can walk around smiling all the time

8. What is your life’s mission?

To create something worth leaving behind. I’m not sure if I’ve got there yet.

9. If everyone walked around wearing warning labels, what would yours say?

“May contain adult-like substance.”

10. At what age did you first feel like you were an adult?

I have no idea. In fact, it may not have even happened yet. Instead I find myself thinking, “How can I be this old when on the inside I’m just a 12-year-old looking for the next big high?”

11. When did you not speak up, but wish you had?

I wish I’d spoken up more in school against the bullies who surrounded me. 

12. What is something that makes your skin crawl?


13. What was the last thing to give you butterflies in your stomach?

I’m getting that feeling a lot when I make videos of myself. I don’t know if I’ll ever warm up to the sound of my own speaking voice. (I am behind on videos because things have taken a few busy turns the last month. I’m getting back into it very soon, I promise! It’s on my list of goals for June.)

14. What’s your favorite type of media to work with? (Paint, clay, pens, etc.)

Photography! Always photography. One of the things that makes me most happy about this particular new journey I’m on is that I feel like I can finally do something meaningful in the visual arts. I was never good at drawing or painting as a kid, which was unpleasant because that was in the days of teachers refusing to admit that maybe a kid just wasn’t good at something, so I had a few art teachers in school do the whole “You can draw if you just try harder” bullshit, which I now know to be complete and utter nonsense.

15. What question do you hate answering?

I can’t think of one specifically, but I dislike political “gotcha” statements that are phrased as questions, but are clearly not intended to gather any information of interest to the person asking, if that makes sense. Like telling people I live in New York State, and being asked something like, “Huh, do you like all those taxes up there?” I find that annoying. Also non-political versions of that, like “So whaddaya do with all that snow?” when I tell people I live in Buffalo.

Oh wait, I can think of one, but nobody has asked it, or any of its related versions, in a long time. Maybe that’s because I’m old enough that it’s not a thing anymore, but I used to have to brace myself for this, after I told people that we have a daughter: “Just one? Why’d you stop there?” One time I waited a few seconds, said “We didn’t,” and…left it there.

OK, that got a little heady, didn’t it?

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A simple drink recipe, in photos

I like making complex drinks and I like drinking complex drinks! But I also like a simple highball in which a bit of booze and a bit more fizzy something combine to make something delicious. If you like lemon, and if you like those Lemonhead candies, well, this is easy and delicious and refreshing.

In a glass full of ice, put two ounces of this:

Then, fill the glass to the rim (so, somewhere between 4 and 6oz, depending on how big your glass is) with this:

It doesn’t have to be that brand, but that’s my fizzy lemon component of choice. Any sparkling lemonade or lemon soda will do.

The result is this:

And it is good.

(Yes, you can add a twist of lemon peel or a slice for garnish, and maybe this tastes even better with a few dashes of lemon bitters, and a nice variation might be 2oz of Deep Eddy lime vodka, or…yeah, I’m off for the kitchen.)


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Friday Linkage

It’s the end of the week, so here’s some linkage that I’ve been sitting on all week (or even longer):

::  Urban explorers of Buffalo. I read this article with great interest, as it combines a bunch of interests of mine: photographers, old buildings, and the sense of adventure in getting the shot. These are people who venture into abandoned buildings, sometimes skirting legality to do so, in order to chronicle the ongoing decay of many buildings in the region. (No, I haven’t done anything quite like this, but…I’m not sure I completely rule it out.)

::  The money is in all the wrong places. This is about the gigantic financial imbalances in creative fields, but that sentence that forms the headline–“The money is in all the wrong places”–really sums up a huge amount of what’s wrong with our economy today. The money is nowhere it needs to be, if we’re going to have more widespread success and general welfare.

The money produced by art has not disappeared. The issue is not that the people of the world value television less than they did in the 1990s. The reality is that the people with the most money have devised, at every turn, new and more bulletproof ways for them to make and keep more money, and for the people who make things to make less. This is the eternal story of labor and management; it just has hot people in it, in this case.

I’ve been waiting for decades for Americans to finally get angry enough about this to do something about it. And no matter how bad it gets, it seems that there is a permanent critical mass of Americans who will still believe that the rich earned every penny they got and nobody should ever do anything at all to force them to part with any of it. It’s a depressing reality.

::  On the “Man or Bear” debate. If you have any presence on social media at all, you’ve seen this whole “Man or Bear” thing cropping up, mainly several weeks ago. It seems pretty obvious to me that the whole thing was an analogy designed to hopefully jolt some men into seeing how wary women have to be in our presence, but boy, did a lot of men react powerfully against that suggestion. And so it goes. Anyway, this is a good article.

I first read about this debate on my phone while camping in a field in my tent. It captivated me in a way that internet debates rarely do. Slowly, I realized why: for me, “Man or Bear” is not hypothetical. I’m literally a woman who left mankind behind to live in nature with bears. This is my actual life. 

::  Have I recommended cartoonist Cassandra Calin yet? I don’t think so. She writes and draws comics drawn from the challenges of her own life as a self-employed young woman, and her work is utterly delightful. She also has a new graphic novel out now. My personal favorite installment of her regular strip thus far is about shopping for clothes. Why do I like this particular installment? Oh, no reason….

::  TrikeLife: the YouTube channel of a local woman and blogger, Val Dunne, who has adopted a tricycle as a way of getting around Buffalo and pursuing her interests while battling multiple sclerosis. Val’s a good egg!


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Something for Thursday

I had a song picked out for today, but I’m going to save that one. Instead, this seems appropriate for a certain bit of news. This country ain’t done yet, folks!

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One of the things I’m enjoying about Lightroom (the photo editing software I started using earlier this year) is its ability to stitch together multiple photos in a single panorama shot. The AI it uses to do this is pretty sophisticated, and I’ve had some very pleasing results thus far. This is one, from this past weekend when I went down to the Outer Harbor again (yes, I was down there two weekends in a row). This is a grain elevator in the southern end of the Outer Harbor’s general recreation area. I love how this turned out.

Bigger version here.

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Tone Poem Tuesday

I make an attempt every now and then, maybe once every year or two, to acquaint myself with the music of Alan Hovhaness, and I invariably come up short. I don’t really know why, but I’ve yet to find a work of his that really speaks to me on some deep level. His music is often described as naturalistic and mystical, but ultimately I don’t usually hear that; all I find in his work is long meandering passages that sound like melody but…aren’t, tempos that never change much, and long pages of pizzicato work in the low strings. I know that this is probably unfair, given how amazingly prolific he was…and that’s why I keep trying every now and then.

Anyway, I tried this piece and honestly, I didn’t get anywhere with it, aside from some lovely writing in the middle for the horn and the trumpet. I did like that passage a great deal. If anyone out there wants to set me straight on Hovhaness, I’m willing to listen!

Here is the Symphony No. 6, “Celestial Gate” (a single-movement work that bears no formal resemblance to the classical symphony) by Alan Hovhaness.

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Memorial Day, 2024

Remembering this day those who lost their lives fighting in wars under the American flag. I make no attempt this day to adjudicate the justness of any of those wars; there are other days for that.

(image credit)

Every year on this date I listen to this song. It’s been done by many artists, so here it is by the Dropkick Murphys. This song is one of the best artistic meditations on the awful futility of war that I know, because those last words are so absolutely true: “It all happened again, and again, and again….” I don’t find a great deal of solace or even solemnity in Memorial Day, just a sadness that we keep coming back to this and that there will never, ever, be a Memorial Day when we can say, “Interesting, there are no new names to remember this time around.”

I’m also reminded of Lee Blessing’s play A Walk in the Woods, which dramatizes an event in the 1980s when two arms negotiators, one American and one Soviet, got frustrated with the lack of progress and wandered off to put together their own proposal, which was soundly rejected by both sides for being too realistic, I suppose. In that play, Blessing puts these words in the mouth of his Soviet negotiator:

“If mankind hated war, there would be millions of us, and only two soldiers.”

I fnd it hard to disagree with that sentiment.

Here are the Dropkick Murphys.


oh how do you do, young willy mcbridedo you mind if i sit here down by your gravesideand rest for a while in the warm summer suni’ve been walking all day, and im nearly doneand i see by your gravestone you were only nineteenwhen you joined the great fallen in 1916well i hope you died quickand i hope you died cleanoh willy mcbride, was is it slow and obscene

did they beat the drums slowlydid the play the fife lowlydid they sound the death march as they lowered you downdid the band play the last post and chorusdid the pipes play the flowers of the forest

and did you leave a wife or a sweetheart behindin some loyal heart is your memory enshrinedand though you died back in 1916to that loyal heart you’re forever nineteenor are you a stranger without even a nameforever enshrined behind some old glass panein an old photograph torn, tattered, and stainedand faded to yellow in a brown leather frame

did they beat the drums slowlydid the play the fife lowlydid they sound the death march as they lowered you downdid the band play the last post and chorusdid the pipes play the flowers of the forest

the sun shining down on these green fields of francethe warm wind blows gently and the red poppies dancethe trenches have vanished long under the plowno gas, no barbed wire, no guns firing downbut here in this graveyard that’s still no mans landthe countless white crosses in mute witness standtill’ man’s blind indifference to his fellow manand a whole generation were butchered and damned

did they beat the drums slowlydid the play the fife lowlydid they sound the death march as they lowered you downdid the band play the last post and chorusdid the pipes play the flowers of the forest

and i can’t help but wonder oh willy mcbridedo all those who lie here know why they dieddid you really believe them when they told you the causedid you really believe that this war would end warswell the suffering, the sorrow, the glory, the shamethe killing and dying it was all done in vainoh willy mcbride it all happened againand again, and again, and again, and again

did they beat the drums slowlydid the play the fife lowlydid they sound the death march as they lowered you downdid the band play the last post and chorusdid the pipes play the flowers of the forest
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“The Force will be with you. Always.” (a repost)

Today marks the 47th anniversary of the release of George Lucas’s “little space movie”, which wasn’t even 20th Century Fox’s projected “Big Movie” of that year. Little did the world know what was about to happen…and certainly a five-year-old kid in LaCrosse, Wisconsin had no idea how his world was about to be shaped forever. I wrote this post in 2017 for the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, and I wouldn’t change anything. I’ll probably write something completely new for the 50th, though…my God, we’re almost at fifty years of Star Wars….

D19 of #IGWritersMay: Novel aesthetics. I make no secret that at its heart, THE SONG OF FORGOTTEN STARS is really my love letter to STAR WARS. (This is a page from the book THE ART OF STAR WARS.) #amwriting #starwars #sciencefiction #spaceopera #Forgotten

I didn’t see Star Wars on opening day. In truth I don’t even remember exactly when I saw it, but it was later in the summer of 1977. We had just moved from Wisconsin to Oregon, and in that time I was not even aware of this enormous movie phenomenon whose popularity was sweeping the nation.

I finally saw it, though, with my sister, who is six years older than me.

I didn’t like it.

It was very loud. It opened with big words flying through space and then there was loud spaceships and talking robots (one of whom only talked in beeps and whistles). There was a girl in white and a bad guy in black whose breath sounded weird. There was a desert planet with weird dwarf-creatures and a kid named Luke who lived with his aunt and uncle. (The uncle could be pretty gruff if Luke was goofing off, to which I could relate.) There were more loud spaceships and one really really big spaceship shaped like a giant ball. There was a guy dressed in black and white who helped the farm kid, and this guy had a giant ape-man friend. There were swords made of light and even more spaceships and a big battle in space.

All of that, and I didn’t understand a lick of it.

In my defense, I was all of five years old at the time.

Until Star Wars, my movie experience was pretty much limited to stuff like Bugs Bunny Superstar and Disney live-actions like The Shaggy DA (which contained a hoot of a pie fight). Then there was this movie with loud spaceships and robots and a farm kid and a bad guy in black and…well, I had no idea what to make of this movie.

Luckily for me I had my sister, who is six years older than me.

She went all-in for Star Wars. She ate it, drank it, breathed it. She talked about it a lot, and gradually her enthusiasm began to win me over. She explained the story to me because I hadn’t understood it all that well, and I decided that I wanted a part of her enthusiasm for my own. So I went with her to see the movie a second time.

I have never ever ever recovered.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Star Wars as it nears and achieves 40 years, and I find myself relating to it most as a storyteller myself. As a writer I tend most to look at Star Wars through the prism of story. Many stories have had a deep effect on me, on the stories I want to tell, and the way I go about telling them, but none moreso than Star Wars, even as the Star Wars story itself has changed over the course of its four decades. Most of the core ideas are still there, though, as Star Wars is now no longer in the hands of its creator, George Lucas. Star Wars is still a tale of heroic adventure unfolding in the sky. It is still a tale not just of the wars but more well-focused on the people fighting that war. It is a tale of improbably redeemable villains, of the way our paths mirror those of our parents, and of finding love in the face of desperation. It is a tale of family.

I can’t help thinking in most, if not all, of these terms every time I write a story, no matter which genre it’s in. Star Wars made me want to be a storyteller (what is playing with action figures, if not storytelling?). It also taught me that stories can focus at times on more mystical matters, and it taught me that story is an excellent way of addressing the challenges people face in their hearts. Most importantly, though, Star Wars taught me about heroes and quests and the wise elders who try to guide the heroes on their way.

Other stories have come since Star Wars arrived, and many have come to places almost as near to my heart. It’s not only stories, either; it’s all of creative art, really:

Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain Chronicles
The Lord of the Rings
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
My Fair Lady
Much Ado About Nothing
The House with a Clock in its Walls
The Lions of Al-Rassan
Mary Stewart’s Arthurian trilogy (plus The Wicked Day)
Berlioz’s Symphonie fantastique
Rachmaninov’s Symphony No. 2 in E minor
Invisible Touch by Genesis
Once and Again
Princess Mononoke

These are all things — and there are more — that are at the center of my creative life, but none has ever quite dislodged Star Wars as my Prime Mover. Star Wars is, and continues to be, my Platonic Ideal of what story is.

Even so, I haven’t always kept as close an eye on Star Wars as a massive universe as many. I’ve read only a small handful of all the many novels and comics written over the years, and I haven’t played any of the video games. For me, my appreciation focuses pretty exclusively on the movies themselves, and not just the wonderful Original Trilogy but also the admittedly uneven — but still, in my eyes, uniquely compelling — Prequel Trilogy and even to a smaller extent the recent “Rebirth” movies, The Force Awakens and Rogue One. Those form the core.

Star Wars is as strong now as it ever was, and it is very likely even stronger. It has more fans than ever, and it is now in the hands of a corporate power whose pockets are deep enough to maintain it at a very high level for decades to come. More fans are created every day, it seems, and yet…I do have to admit to feeling a certain level of possibly grumpy oldsterism. Sure, you kids can love Star Wars and in fact I hope that you will, and that your love for Star Wars will lead you to other things. But I came in on the ground level. My memories may be hazy, but I do remember a time before Star Wars.

I believe that every story one writes — or rather, every story that I write — should be, in one way or another, a love letter, either to someone or something. The Song of Forgotten Stars has many influences, but it is ultimately my love letter to Star Wars. If not for Star Wars, there’s no way I would be writing this story. It’s not just about the internals of Star Wars, though: it’s about the way Star Wars impacted me and shaped my life and helped reflected certain relationships in my life. Put it this way: There’s a reason why the two main characters in my Forgotten Stars books are two Princesses, one of whom is six years older than the other. It’s a dynamic that makes sense to me on a lot of different levels.

I also know, from reading a lot about the making of Star Wars over the years and about the life of George Lucas in particular, that the way by which a creative work comes into existence is often a messy one. Lucas’s manner of creation is eerily similar to my own, or maybe vice versa. Lucas is someone who starts out by following ideas in any direction they might go, and only gradually whittles things down and discards this notion or that idea until a streamlined story starts to emerge. I work the same way, at least in part. My rough drafts are often very messy and they always contain entire ideas that I remove entirely, for one reason or another. Lucas has done so much mixing and matching of ideas over the decades (remember that for him, Star Wars is 47 or 48 years old, depending on where he dates The Beginning) that he at times seems to be misremembering his own history. I know how he feels. There are times when an idea seems so organic that it’s hard to claim it for my own. Even if it is.

So thank you for forty years, Star Wars! And may the Force be with you, forevermore.


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And then, there’s anti-serendipity

Serendipity is great! And it’s great when your skill level improves to the point that you start being able to recognize serendipity as it’s unfolding, and you’re ready for it!

But also nice is knowing that the shot is coming, and all you have to do is wait for it.

At one point on Buffalo’s Outer Harbor area is a small network of nature trails, and over one of these towers a metal sculpture by eccentric local artist Larry Griffis. The sculpture is of a vaguely human figure with arms upstretched as if to shout, “Hooray!” I came upon a vantage point overlooking the trail that winds past the sculpture, so I just decided to wait, because I figured it would look like the sculpture was happy to see whoever was coming.

And that’s exactly what happened.

I’ve learned from watching videos by photographers and reading their words of advice that sometimes the shot creates itself right in front of you, and sometimes you just set up and wait for the shot.

I am really enjoying photography.

“You’re here! At last!”

Speaking of that sculpture, I also found this vantage point, and I was very happy with this composition. I really like shots where the subject is framed by something in the foreground. This turned out really well, in my opinion!

Griffis sculpture on the Buffalo waterfront, seen through the trees.


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Something for Thursday

I really like ABBA, and I do not apologize for this.

Jeff Tweedy, though–singer and guitarist for Wilco–once upon a time did not like ABBA, but he got better.

I am currently reading Tweedy’s book World Within a Song: Music that Changed My Life and Life that Changed My Music, in which he writes 50 short essays about one song each that has been important in his life or his musical development or both (plus some extra essays detailing non-musical incidents from his life, so the book is kind of a musical biography). I’m enjoying the book, though I’m only a third of the way through it, and it’s making me appreciate the songs he writes about that I’ve heard and he’s piquing curiosity about those that I haven’t.

Of course I’ve heard “Dancing Queen”. I’ve known that song for decades. I was a kid when ABBA was first huge, and I remember a resurgence they enjoyed in the late 90s via 70s nostalgia and movies like Muriel’s Wedding. When Tweedy gets to “Dancing Queen”, though, he writes first about how he hated it…until one day he heard it over the loudspeakers of a grocery store and realized that he’d been wrong.

Quoting Mr. Tweedy:

But before that day, I, along with many others, had denied myself undeniable joy. Countless fantastic records and deep grooves were dismissed and derided out of ignorance. Of course, this song and this music was always going to win eventually. Because it’s just too special to ignore forever.

There are wrong opinions about music! And to this day, “Dancing Queen” is the song I think of when I THINK I don’t like something. It taught me that I can’t ever completely trust my negative reactions. I was burned so badly by this one song being withheld from my heart for so long. I try to never listen to music without first politely asking my mind, and whatever blind spots I’m afflicted with today, to move aside long enough for my gut to be the judge. And even then, if I don’t like something I make a mental note to try again in ten years.

Melodies as pure and evocative as the one in “Dancing Queen” don’t come along every day. I’m sad for every single moment I missed loving this song. Playing it again right now. Making up for lost spins. I truly recommend spending some time looking for a song you might have unfairly maligned. It feels good to stop hating something. Music is a good place to start if you’re interested in forgiveness. For yourself, mostly, I assume. Because records can’t really change much over time, but we sure can, and do. Better late than never.

And as Mr. Freeman would later say in The Shawshank Redemption, “That is Goddamned right.”

Here is “Dancing Queen”. (And no, it’s not my favorite ABBA song. That would be “Fernando”.)

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