“Born Again Democrats”?

Michael Blowhard directs me to “Born Again Democrats”, a group that has some of its own ideas on what Democrats should be doing, or something like that. I perused their platform (scroll to the top — for some reason the only permalink available takes you right to their comments form, at the very bottom of the post), and while some of it seems intriguing, there’s absolutely no way I’m getting behind either Numbers Four or Seven, and I think that Numbers Five and Six are examples of things that sound all well and good, but have some troubling implications in terms of actual policy. Numbers Nine and Ten interest me, although I see no compelling reason why every citizen’s tax returns a matter of public record. (It’s none of your business what I make or what I am worth.) I also do not support ending the Inheritance Tax, which is part of Number Eleven.

This doesn’t look like any Democratic ideal I’m familiar with; it rather looks like a blend of soft-libertarianism and soft-conservatism.

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