A brief notice or two….

Tomorrow I will be returning to work at The Store, so my postings here will probably not be as prolific as they’ve been over the last week.

Also, I have a couple of new photos up over at my Flickr photostream — some mundane stuff, to get the more saddening stuff pushed down a bit. So you can look at me sitting at my desk, and what my desk looks like when I’m not sitting there. Because, you know, few things in life are more interesting than a guy sittin’ at his desk. (Seriously, I love my desk. It’s a good desk.)

I’m toying with the idea of putting up photos of my bookshelves, so people can look and see what books I own. I recently gently chided Jayme Lynn Blaschke when he put up photos of his hand-made bookshelves, but at a distance and resolution that made title-snooping impossible, and having done that, I suspect I should put up or shut up, so to speak.

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