Hey, it’s not just Greek mythology figures. Thor shrugged too!

Welcome aboard, Sisyphus Shrugged readers! Comments are open (although I’ve recently clarified my comments policy); some links to favorite posts of mine can be found in the sidebar section labeled “Notable Dispatches”. Feel free to stay a while and come back repeatedly. My content isn’t usually as political as it’s been lately, but let’s just say that Katrina pissed me off. (Or, rather, our President pissed me off. Not the first time, of course, but….) My general topics tend to lean toward life in Buffalo, NY; music (mainly classical, Celtic, and filmscores); the challenges of raising two kids when the younger of them happens to be an infant with cerebral palsy; blatherings on fantasy and science fiction (I’m an unrepentant Star Wars fanboy); and whatever else leaps to mind. I generally have no resistance to those blog-quiz meme things that flit around Blogistan every so often, and by some weird compulsion I tend to answer every one of them that I come across (the more general ones, and not usually the “Which one of the insufferable Camdens from Seventh Heaven are you?” type quizzes). My politics are unabashedly liberal, but that sort of thing usually constitutes around twenty percent of my content here. (Although I have the feeling that might change somewhat in the future.)


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