Holding pattern

Sorry, folks, but I’m nursing a bit of a cold that has sapped my enthusiasm for doing anything other than watch a bunch of reruns of The Big Bang Theory, eat ice cream, and dream of swimming in a giant lake of old-school Ny-Quil before they took the pseudoephedrine out of it.

(OK, it’s not that bad — a pretty mild cold, actually. But it’s certainly making me not feel like blogging.)

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6 Responses to Holding pattern

  1. SK Waller says:

    Feel better soon. We'll be here.

  2. Kal says:

    They been messing with my Ny-Quill? It's the only thing that keeps me from being a hard core addict. It's my best friend. Dammit.

  3. M. D. Jackson says:

    That sounds like a very sensible itinery even without the cold.

  4. Kelly Sedinger says:

    Kal: I'm not sure about your NyQuil, actually, since you're in Canada. Here in the US, our relentless "drug war" has led to pseudoephendrine being labeled a kinda-sorta controlled substance. You can still get it over the counter, but it's literally over the counter — you have to ask the pharmacist for it — and you have to show ID to buy it. Lots of cold medicine manufacturers reformulated their products at that point to use phenylephrine instead of the far more effective pseudoephedrine, so they could stay on the shelves where customers could buy them without showing ID. Annoying, it is!

  5. Kerry says:

    Dude, ice cream increases phlegm production. You need to switch to Doritos, stat.

  6. Lynn says:

    Hope you feel better soon. We need our links and TV, movie and book reviews and music and Star Wars and… and… overalls.

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