Judging from the complete lack of guesses on the last four entries in the Unidentified Earth series, and to judge from the lack of response when I mentioned closing down the series last week, I assume that the series has run its course. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted, but nothing lasts forever, right?
Anyway, to give away the last four entries: UI 69 is Chimney Rock in Nebraska. UI 70 is Newgrange, the ancient building in Ireland that aligns with the sun on the solstices; UI 71 is Taughannock Falls, near Ithaca, NY; and UI 72 is the B&O Warehouse beyond the right field wall at Camden Yards in Baltimore, MD.
And there we have it. Thanks for playing, folks!
Rats! This saddens me greatly as I loved this series. Even if I had no clue "where we were" it was still fun to think about it for a while.
(Full disclosure: my profession is the science and exploitation of aerial and satellite imagery, so clearly I'm biased toward thinking overhead images of famous places is way cool.)
However I can clearly understand why you are retiring the series. After all there are only so many places in the world that you can see from above and say "Hey, it's XXXXX!" Beyond famous landmarks and geologic features everything starts to be "some sort of school" or "some type of industrial complex".
Thanks for keeping it going as long as you did.