Untitled Post

OK, time for a new masthead image. I plan to do a new one every month or so. I’m also considering adding a secondary blogroll, which I’ll rotate to give exposure to blogs I find that are interesting but not regular reads of mine. I’m also thinking about eating more barley. But as that has nothing to do with Byzantium’s Shores, I’ll leave it at that.

UPDATE: I’ve shuffled the sidebar around a bit, so as to hopefully make it slightly less haphazard. I’ve put up the links to my current books for sale on Ebay, and I’ve added a small, secondary blogroll that will feature interesting-looking blogs that I happen upon in the course of cruising around Blogistan. What I’m looking for here is stuff that strikes me as intriguing, but not necessarily stuff that I agree with or subscribe to. I plan to rotate these on a possibly weekly basis, replacing one per week. I don’t plan to list more than five of these at any one time.

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