The OTHER Lord of the Ring

Via Scott Spiegelberg I see this animated version of Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen. Actually, the site appears to be an educational site affiliated with the animated verion of the Ring, as opposed to the entire Ring Cycle itself. I’ve long wished for a full-blown animated version of the cycle. But not a Disneyfied version, called Siegfried! with music and songs by Alan Menken and lyrics by Tim Rice — I’d want the entire Cycle, with every note that Wagner wrote, used as the basis for a set of animated films that would treat the subject matter with the respect it deserves. (Heck, if Disney wanted to do its own thing with the legends of the Nibelungen, that’s one thing, but leave poor Wagner out of it.) I suspect that the anime world would be better suited to something like this — especially Hayao Miyazaki, some of whose films, Princess Mononoke chief among them, use naturalistic imagery that would not be out of place in a Wagnerian setting.

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