Page 123!

I’ve done this before, but now I’ve been tagged again, so here are the directions:

“To participate, you grab any book, go to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and blog it. Then tag five people.”

Hmmmm. OK, picking a book. Hmmm….OK, got one: Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader. So, page 123…fifth sentence…got it.

Inslaw signed a contract with the Justice Department in 1982 to supply the software exclusively to all US Attorney’s offices.

This book comes from the mini-library of conspiracy theory books I assembled ten years or so ago, back when I was interested in such stuff. (I still am, really, but I’m not terribly active about it now.) What’s being discussed here? Why, the ever-fascinating Inslaw case, in which the Federal government may or may not have basically stolen software called PROMIS from a company called Inslaw, and this may or may not have been part of some kind of shadow government conspiracy that may or may not have had reporter Danny Casolaro murdered when he may or may not have come too close to the truth. Which is, of course, out there.


OK, now I’m to tag some folks. I don’t recall who I tagged last time (and I’m too lazy to look it up), so if I re-tag someone who has likewise already done this, oh well. Deal with it! So, I tag Drew, Blue Girl, The Indestructible Mr. Jones, Steph Waller, and Tom the Dog.

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One Response to Page 123!

  1. Liz says:

    Just finished a book that you, with your bent toward conspiracy theories, might enjoy. It’s “Conspirator’s Odyssey: the Evoltion of the Patron Saint, by Aaron Kinte Kuykendall. It’s the first in a planned series. Kuykendall uses a historical background for the novel, and clearly understands that, deep down,nearly everyone finds conspiracy theories interesting.

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