Quiz Thing

I just found this over at Incurable Insomniac (do posts there have permalinks? I can never find any), and I figured that I should fill it in:

Feeling ________. (Tired right now, and dreading getting up at 4:15 tomorrow morning for an especially early day at The Store.)

Listening to ________. (John Madden speculate on how banged up Ben Roeythlyssbyrgyr [spelling may be wrong] is on Monday Night Football.)

Spent last night ________. (Reading the Sunday Buffalo News; watching an episode of Desperate Housewives that I’d taped [fun]; watching the Bills versus the StuPats [not fun].)

Missing ________. (Red Wolf Beer.)

Had breakfast of ________. (Coffee and an apple fritter.)

Thinking of ________. (Writing a story about a boy who lives in a lighthouse.)

Would love to ________. (See my son smile.)

Planning to ________. (Pilfer The Daughter’s obscenely-abundant Halloween take.)

Working to ________. (Re-read The Novel in an effort to reintroduce myself to the characters and story.)

Favorite time of day is ________. (Night.)

Always wanted to play ________. (Beethoven’s Ninth, lead trumpet.)

Dreaming of ________. (Escaping somewhere with The Wife, if only for a few days.)

A dream comes true when ________. (I speak to a particular friend of mine, who always makes me feel like the world doesn’t completely blow.)

Really hate ________. (The creepy cult of personality around the current President.)

No tagging here; just grab-and-go.

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