A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Some folks love brie and think that it’s wonderful stuff. Other folks think it resembles, in texture if not taste, nasal mucus.

Brie: snot, or not?

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7 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. Roger Owen Green says:

    I had brie, really wanting to like it. But cannot stand the taste, and I've tried maybe a half dozen times over the years.

  2. Unknown says:

    Brie's not snot, I love that stuff, epsecially when it's already runny. Cancoillotte – that is snot. It looks like someone sneezed on a piece of bread
    I do try it whenever I'm home since my mother loves the stuff, but so far I haven't developed a taste for it. I keep trying, though.

  3. Call me Paul says:

    I'm a fan of cheese in general, but good cheese. I tend to buy premium cheeses from specialty shops more than anything. Brie can be really, really good. It can also be really, really awful. Depends on what you buy. Either way, it still smells up the refrigerator.

  4. SK Waller says:

    I love it. For parties I drizzle the top with honey and sprinkle with coarsely chopped hazel nuts.

  5. Kerry says:

    I loved brie with a burning passion of sheer cheeselust.

    Until your post.

    Now I want to hock up great lugeys (loogies??) at the mere mental image of it.

  6. SamuraiFrog says:

    I sort of like it; I've not had it very often, honestly, but it tastes decent on a cracker.

  7. Belladonna says:

    Brie will always remind me of my most significant love affair when I was young and foolish. Sigh. Eating brie, drinking champaigne and losing my heart… So no, I can never think of it as snot.

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