A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Meatloaf: wonderful classic dish that reminds you of home, or dull heavy slab of meat that reminds you of too many school lunches?

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10 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. LC Scotty says:

    Meatloaf is a food group.

  2. Kerry says:

    Won. Der. Ful.

    My mom used to wrap her meatloaf in bacon before baking it. I am slavering all over my desk as I write this.

  3. Roger Owen Green says:

    cold meatloaf alone or in sandwich – slab of beef

    warm meatloaf with mashed potatoes – home

  4. M. D. Jackson says:

    Meatloaf used to be a meal to be endured until I met my wife. Her meatloaf is a meal fit to be praised by seraphim and cherubim.

    Meatloaf night in our house is a happy time

  5. SK Waller says:

    The former. Meatloaf is comfort food that takes me back to after-church Sunday dinners. And I make a darned good one, too!

  6. Lynn says:

    I have fond memories of my mother's meatloaf. Meatloaf was a feast fit for kings. Unfortunately, I've never learned to make it right.

  7. Andy says:

    It reminds of "Paradise by the dashboard lights" OH WAIT A MINUTE! Wrong Meatloaf…… Sorry to say, I've NEVER been a big fan of it. It's just NO HAMBURGER HELPER!!! Now that stuff's the BOMB.COM!!!!!

  8. csmith2884 says:

    Won.Der.Ful seems to sum it up just right. I have maybe 10 or so ways I make it. Kids favorite "magic meatloaf" rolled pinwheel style with pizza sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni. My favorite smoked in the water smoker and bacon wrapped with roasted garlic mashed and sweet corn. Thanks for helping figure the menu for next week.

  9. Glenn Whidden says:

    Meatloaf is a very good thing, but it doesn't remind me of home. We didn't eat a lot of it when I was a kid. Don't know why. It is meat. And it is a loaf. How can that be bad?

  10. fillyjonk says:

    Dull heavy slab. My mother didn't make meatloaf often; I think either she or my dad disliked it. So my main memories of it are being served it places that are not-home.

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