A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics?

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6 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. Buffalopundit says:

    I used to prefer winter. But I have to say I found the Beijing summers last year to be quite awesome and compelling.

    But I do love me some downhill and grand slalom, as well as ski jump, luge, and bobsled.

  2. Glenn Whidden says:

    Winter for me. I love luge and skeleton, but then I'm weird. I love the fans at the ski events because I have a fever and the only cure is more cowbell. I love the way the Canadians care so much about hockey and curling. And how can you not love the weirdness of the biathlon, a sport that combines skiing and firearms?

  3. Roger Owen Green says:

    It was winter, though I must admit I don't "get" the newer events with those halfpipes and whatnot. But it still has curling and skiing and skating.

  4. Thee Earl of Obvious says:

    Summer all the way. Diving and swimming are my sports.

  5. Lynn says:

    Winter. I like both but the Winter Olympics has more sports that I enjoy.

  6. Bill says:

    The way I see it, if it isn't a sport the ancient Greeks would recognize, the hell with it. Also no team sports, and no sports where there is already an international championship (e.g. soccer).

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