Saturday Centus

This is a weekly meme-thing that I always want to do on a Saturday, but which I always forget about. I suppose I could do it a day or two later anyway, but for some reason that always feels wrong somehow. Anyway, it’s a simple little writing game where Jenny Matlock provides a brief writing prompt, and participants write a 100-word entry using the prompt in some way.

This week’s prompt is actually a photo:

My entry:

“When Life Hands You Frozen Oranges”

“Whoa!” said the Cheerful one.

“Yeah,” replied the Grumpy one.

“It snowed, eh?”


“All over our oranges.”


“That’s tough.”


“We moved from Canada to be orange growers, and look what happens.”


“Sucks, eh?”


“Snows in Canada, eh?”


“Not supposed to in Florida.”


“Sure a shame.”


Silence as two formerly-Canadian would-be farmers look over their snow-covered orchard.

“Back home they crush frozen grapes to make ice wine….” said the Cheerful one.


“Yesss….” said the Not-as-grumpy-as-before one.

Thus was born Ice Orangeade. Which was very successful…in Canada.

I hope my liberal use of hyphens — hyphenated words being counted as one word by OpenOffice’s word count tool — doesn’t constitute cheating! (I’m also not sure if the title counts toward the word count, either. If it does, then I’m disqualified.)

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17 Responses to Saturday Centus

  1. Ames says:

    Humm ice orangeade? We call that orange crush here! 🙂 A good one!~Ames

  2. Kelly Sedinger says:


  3. Kat says:

    This made me laugh out loud. Well done, I could hear these fellows in my head! Reminds me of the 2nd year we lived in Texas. It snowed and we were none too happy about it. Until we saw people trying to drive in it. THEN we had fun 🙂 Kat

  4. Susan Anderson says:

    This was fun…and well written, too. I could hear the rhythm of their language.

    I liked it!


  5. Lynn says:

    Ice Orangeade, I love it:@)

  6. jfb57 says:

    Clever, clever, celver! I really laughed at this! Brilliant!

  7. Koby says:

    I too laughed out loud at the title before I even read the first word. (I'm pretty sure the title is not in the word count, and I love the idea of hyphenated words counting only as one…brilliant!!)

  8. Unknown says:

    This was a fun take on the expression about 'If life gives you lemons…' Nice dialog between the optimist and the pessimist.

    Are you from Canada? It was clever of you to think about the possibility of Canadians who dreamed about farming in Florida only to have it snow on their orange-plants! Great idea for the prompt-photo.

    I ran your text through WordCalc to see what the word count would be:101 words. It may be that some dashes were counted as words. I had to recount SC-text #35 because of dashes I had to indicate comments in a phone conversation that are not heard.

    Well done!
    Best wishes,
    P.S.To get to WordCalc it is:

    To get to my SC#36-post click here:

    Anna's SC#36

  9. Kelly Sedinger says:

    Thanks, everyone!

    No, I'm not from Canada…but I'm from Buffalo, which some people think might as well be IN Canada!

  10. Terra says:

    Jenny would never disqualify you! She might mention it but….I don't think the title counts either and WELCOME. I am so glad you joined. I just loved this, I pictured a "dumb and dumber" like scene – it could be in a movie…well written my new friend!!

  11. Tgoette says:

    You did great! I loved the very believable dialogue and the great twist at the end. Welcome, and I hope to be reading more from you!

  12. Unknown says:

    Aha! A perfect example of what to do when life gives you lemons (or in this case, frozen oranges)…

    Loved it!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Nice take, eh! "Not-as-grumpy-as-before one" made me smile! 🙂

  14. Jo says:

    Ice Orangeade … sounds totally canadian eh? must be good!

  15. noexcuses says:

    Great job! I can see John Candy and Dan Akryod having fun with this banter!

  16. gautami tripathy says:

    IT is cold! Yet I want orangeade!

    destined destination

  17. Jenny says:

    And I thought it was Connecticut farmers…For some reason the dialogue was reminding me of those terse New Englanders!

    Either way, though, this was some great dialogue.

    I like your writing style!

    Nice to see your here on SC!

    Look forward to reading more of your word crafting.

    Thanks for linking.

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