This week we get 150 words, but we’re not allowed to use pictures. Oh well!
From the liner notes to the remastered If I Die Young, the one album released by Thrash Davis:
He was born Reginald Aloysius Bixby III, so it’s not hard to see why he eventually changed his name to Thrash Davis. His quiet youth ended in his mum’s kitchen when he found a wooden spoon and a saucepan, giving rise to a noisy passion that would last him all his short life. Davis would later revolutionize the drum set in much the same way that EVH revolutionized the guitar….
The title of Thrash’s first-and-only album proved eerily prophetic when his tour blimp crashed into that tire fire, leaving rock lovers worldwide to forever wonder what might have come in future albums, after fiery songs like “Comet Vomit”, “I Hate Jude”, and the ribald “Rhymes with Trucker”….
Mr Dylan can knock all he wants, but Thrash Davis is drum drum drummin’ on Heaven’s door.
Don’t forget — All Centusians are invited to Ask Me Anything!. I’ve started answering questions, but new ones are still welcome!
Excellent,unexpected detour with the prompt. That was weird but oh so good too !
Ah yes, you weave words like magic through my eyes for all the world to read….great centus!
LOL Eat your heart out Bob Dylan.
Great centus ~!
Thanks for schooling me about Thrash, I had no idea who he was.
great post
Goodness, what a lot to learn in this post! Excellent take on the prompt!
Does he have a brother who plays baseball? Maybe a catcher.
good old Thrash! He never gave up on that spoon and sauce pan!!
so good. and kind of cheerful in a sad way.
Had to love this one!
Is this fact or fiction? I am guessing that you made it all up. Very, very well-crafted writing!
And even funny, despite the content of the prompt.
Best wishes,
Anna's SC Wk 68 'If I die young'
LOL! Great tribute to a pivotal yet under-appreciated performer in the annals of rock music. When I die, I want to go exactly like Thrash did. Well done!
What an interesting direction you went. Loved it. Such a surprise.
Wasn't that a Bob Dylan song? Drum, drum, drummin' on heavens door?
It's hard to decipher if this is fact or fiction…either way, it was cool.