Sentential Links #268

Time for linkage….
:: Because we have a history of breast cancer on both sides of our family, getting a mammogram this morning felt like a step toward acknowledging my own mortality. In my mind, the girls — and my sister’s — are like ticking time bombs. Very small ones, in my case, but dangerous nonetheless. And I hate that. (What gives me pause in Kerry’s post – beside the fear for her own kids and her sister’s – is that she relates finding out about her mom’s first occurrence of cancer, which came right about when I first knew her and her big sister. I never had any idea their family was pretty much dealing with cancer scares the whole time I knew them. That scares me, for some reason.)
:: Is it possible, then, that those proponents of gay marriage looking for their hypocrite-of-the-week could look elsewhere? Because, and I am not going to say this terribly often, this time Kim Kardashian deserves better treatment. (On the one hand, I’m not sure I buy MGK’s argument here. On the other…I don’t really care all that much. I only link it because it’s kind of interesting.)
That’s about it for this week. (Not because blogging suddenly sucked this week, but just that I’m pressed for time as I’m gathering the links as I’m doing this. More next week!)
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5 Responses to Sentential Links #268

  1. Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness says:

    Missed out again. My stuff is just pointless drivel. It is juice for the balloon.

  2. Kelly Sedinger says:

    You were in last week's! Whaddaya want from me!! 🙂

  3. Kerry says:

    Thank you, Kelly, for this link.

    One small clarification: when I said "the girls — and my sister's — are like ticking time bombs," I was referring to BOOBS not children. We call 'em "the girls." Kind of puts a different spin on it…

    Again, I thank you for your comments and your concern for, ahem, the girls.

  4. Kelly Sedinger says:

    Kerry: You know, had I given thought to the gender of your two kids, I probably would have figured that out! But best wishes to "the girls" anyway. (Am I allowed to say that without seeming creepy? Hmmmm….)

  5. Roger Owen Green says:

    Thanks for the plug.

    But I'm still musing about boobs and girls…I'd just better shut up.

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