In my longstanding friendship with the ever-flatulent Mr. Jones, one of our more recent conversational tics (when “conversing” online via IM) is that when one of us indisputably falls beneath the crushing grasp of the other’s powers of reason, we concede the point by typing KHAANNN!! KHAANNN!!, as per the scene in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan in which William Shatner, for just a moment, achieves the overacting Nirvana that had to that point eluded him. His eyes bulges, his head twitches, he does this weird thing with his mouth, and then he screams KHAANNN!! KHAANNN!! into his communicator. I know, it’s hard to describe — which is why you can check it out for yourself. And thus does the Net come ever closer to total perfection!

(via MeFi)

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