Stop chirping, crickets!

Sorry about the lack of posting the last couple of days, but I’ve been a bit tired and have had nothing of interest to say, so I figured I shouldn’t force it. As Confucius once said: “Forcing blog posts from a tired mind is the surest path to the blog sucking.”

(Of course, there is some controversy as to the translation of this little-used Chinese verb; some linguists react strongly against the idea of Confucius referring to something “sucking”.)

In more substantive news, Little Quinn’s recovery continues well. He is no longer sedated and his breathing machine was removed on Tuesday morning. There was a period of about twenty-four hours during which it looked like he might need to be re-intubated, but that didn’t happen, and now he is resting pretty comfortably, still on antibiotics but with no fever. In fact, the only reason he’s still in the Pediatric ICU this evening is because there are no beds available on the regular floor, to which he has been cleared medically.

If life were a game of AD&D, Little Quinn’s constitution score would be at least a 16, I think.

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