Sunday Burst of Weird and AWESOME!

Oddities and Awesome abound!

:: Remember how disillusioned you were when you discovered that the Big Mac you actually get at McDonald’s bears little resemblance to the perfect-looking burger in the commercials, the one that towers so high you wondered how anyone could open their jaws enough to bite the thing? Sure you do.

:: Remember how creepy you thought Steve Buscemi’s eyes were, the first time you saw him in a movie? Sure you do.

:: Remember how you’ve always wanted to be able to zoom around the Solar System and look at stuff? Sure you do.

:: Are you getting tired of the endless debate over whether video games are or are not Art? Sure you’re not!

More next week!

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One Response to Sunday Burst of Weird and AWESOME!

  1. Roger Owen Green says:

    Bucemeyes is REALLY disturbing. BTW, loved him in Who Do You Think You Are? Some darkness in that lineage, as you might imagine.

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