The “Three Things” Quiz

I guess I’m feeling kind of “quizzy”, because here’s one from Monday Mayhem.

3 Places I Would Pack My Travel Bag For

Disney World
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, OR (even though I haven’t been there in 30 years)

3 On-Screen Characters I Love To Watch

Han Solo
Rick Blaine
Chef Gordon Ramsay

3 Moods That Describe Me The Best


3 Things I Always Think Of Doing On A Weekend


3 Things From My Childhood That I Can’t Forget

This kid named E.J., from first grade. He was a really good friend, but he moved away halfway through the year.

The first girl I had a crush on. Her name was Beth. She hated me. Oh well!

This movie that my sister really wanted to see, and I got dragged along for the ride. The movie? Star Wars.

3 Things I Would Never Say No To

Free pizza
Coconut cream pie
A trip to a used bookstore

3 Things I Can’t Live Without

The Internet
Ice Cream
My family!

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