An Update.

Two weeks ago today, The Wife entered the hospital as described here. She is still there, despite the initial prognosis that she would lose the baby within 24 hours of her admission. We are now about seventeen days shy of the 24-week mark, which is the magic line delineating “viability”. That seemed like an impossible stretch when it was 31 days, but 17’s a lot more do-able.

I continue to be thankful and in more than a little awe over the good will extended our way through all this, by denizens Blogistan from the Buffalo Prefecture and beyond.

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5 Responses to An Update.

  1. Anonymous says:

    THANKS for the update! I’ve been wondering how she is doing. Hope she’s keeping herself entertained… it’s got to be hard. Hang in there, all of you!

  2. LC Scotty says:

    How is she set for reading material? I have ton of stuff that is likely not her speed, like Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy. The down side is that she probably won’t care for it too much, but the upside is we’re pretty much guaranteed she hasn’t read it before. Let me know, and I can drop off a box at The Store.

  3. Tal says:

    Thanks for the update. I was thinking about you all this week.

    Still sending good mojo Buffalo way.

  4. Call me Paul says:

    Hang tough, Mrs. Jaq. I’m pulling for you. Hope things go well, Kelly.

  5. Sean Meade says:

    bless you all

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