My annual rundown of content here commences…now!
Richard Thompson and Cul de sac
Dear 44
Dear 45
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me”: Thoughts on Rogue One
VHS Memories
Ear infections and why they suck
In which I continue to love my wife
Happy Pi Day! (in which I get hit in the face with a pie)
In which I made gluten-free fried chicken
“Let me help” (Thoughts on the fiftieth anniversary of City on the Edge of Forever)
Dogs and sniffing
On being married twenty years
Nobody did it better: In memoriam, Sir Roger Moore
The Force will be with you always: Star Wars at 40
Larry Havers, 1946-1967
He’ll save every one of us! (On seeing Flash Gordon
again on the big screen)
“I believe in love” (Thoughts on Wonder Woman
Twenty years of Harry Potter
On choosing happiness (in which I dip myself in magic waters and get hit in the face with a pie)
A Box of Dreams
One Memory of Each Grandmother
On Fantasy in Film
“I pronounce you man and wife. Proceed with the execution!” (Thoughts on The African Queen)
A Guide to Making Good Life Choices
Tornadoes in the Forest
The 15 Greatest Science Fiction Movies EVER (according to me)
On Combos, the world’s finest junk food
On Immigration
The Hobbit at 80
On the pleasures of raw denim
In which Mark Hamill is aware, for a second or two, of my existence
The Final Victory of JR Ewing, and other thoughts one year into the Age of Trump
I also had an interview on another website! The fine folks at The Geekiverse had me over, and you can read that here. And don’t forget to check out my content at
I’ve made much better use of my Goodreads account this year, using it to track my reading. Most of my content that relates to specific books is over there now, and to see what I read (and what I thought about what I read) in 2017, check it out.
Finally, photos and videos, via my Flickr stream.