It’s February, the shortest month, otherwise known as Anniversary Month here at Byzantium’s Shores. And that means, among other things, the annual playing of the game Ask Me Anything!, in which you, the readers, get to, well, Ask Me Anything!. That’s right, any question is fair game, and no question will go unanswered. Now, not all answers may be serious, but most will. Ask me something serious. Ask me something silly. Dare me to be different! Dare me to be unique!
I’m going to keep the Questioning period open until the 14th, so as to give myself enough time to get the answers done. I’ll occasionally put up reminder posts, but all Questions should either be posted in comments on this post or e-mailed to me directly. So, start your engines, folks: Ask Me Anything!
“‘Who is Spain?’ ‘Why is Hitler?’ ‘Hi-ho beri-beri!’ and ‘Balls!’ rang out in quick succession.”
Extra points for ref.
I was asked this, so I must pass it on: who would you “go gay” for?
From your vantage point, what do you think of the new senator Gillibrand and the process that selected her?
What would fix the Buffalo Bills?
What would fix the image of Buffalo?
Loss of sight or loss of hearing: which would be worse?
If the performer came to Buffalo, who would you, without real regard to cost, definitely see?
What is the definition of taterti, the WV for today?
1. Do you suppose that Trekkies will be further degraded or taken more seriously from now on because of this incident?
2. Should the NFL expand to 40 teams in our lifetime? Will it?
3. Have you listened to the Storied Northwest on iTunes yet?
You’ve already answered the stuff I wanted to know privately via e-mail, so I don’t have any new questions, but I’ll lurk here and see how you respond to the others. Otherwise, see ya on facebook.
Do you buy into the concept of Tor-Buf-Chester? Do you think it can ever be a viable, marketable entity due to the fact that it crosses an international border? Are there other cross-border metro regions like this?
Can you define the equation for the radiant exitance (aka emission) of a blackbody radiator as a function of wavelength? How, other than by taking the derivative, can you calculate the maximum point on that curve?
Who is your favorite current Sabre?
When will then be now?
Could you answer my questions on “Pizza Hut Memories”?
Also, how do you get motivated to blog regularly? I have a blog of my own but post once a month at best.
As a movie guy Did you Like Siskel & Ebert? Which one did you prefer?
I watched them from the begining once a month show on PBS
It was ten years ago that Gene Siskel passed away, ther is a long very moving tribute at Roger Eberts Blog
This is the best I can come up with
DavidS (Read Space Viking)