It’s February! That means, by long-standing tradition ’round these parts, that it’s time for my twice-yearly game of Ask Me Anything!. The rules are simple: you are to, well, ask me anything. Anything at all. Questions can be serious or silly, profound or poofy. (However, the seriousness of the question does not have any bearing on the seriousness of the answer. I may give a silly answer to a deeply profound question, and I may pen a long and detailed essay in response to a silly question. You never know with me!)
Questions can be posed in any of the usual ways: in comments to this post, or via Twitter, or on Instagram, or Facebook, or e-mailed directly to No limit on questions, and every question will receive an answer of some sort! I will start providing answers in two (2) weeks, and I’ll post the occasional reminder. Until then: Ask Me Anything!
REMINDER: I do honor requests to keep things anonymous, if that is desired.
WOO HOO!!! So while pondering important stuff while acting like I am working, I want your option on something. Now I have ALWAYS a thought the guitar solo that Eddie Van Halen does in the live version in 5150 was the best ever but now as I get a little bit older, I think the one in Hotel California is pretty darn good and don't forget David Gilmore's in 'Comfortably Numb' is awesome too. What say you OBI Won??
1. Are you Charlie Hebdo?
2. Thinking about Mario Cuomo: rank the governors of New York State in your lifetime, and a little about why. Heck, if you want to add the governors BEFORE your lifetime (the Clintons, the Roosevelts), feel free!
Last time I did Ask Roger Anything, I got TWO questions asking whether, given the divisiveness of politics and the divided nature of the American people, whether the country would remain a UNITED States. What's your take?
Per what were the songs that were #1 1) on your father's birth date, 2) your mother's birth date, 3) your parents' wedding day? And any other date you want to share.
I'm listening to the soundtrack to Chicago, specifically Mr. Cellophane. Were you ever in situations in which you felt invisible, that your contributions went unappreciated?
Rank your favorite Billy Joel songs. You needn't go all the way to 121 (unless you want to!)
What topic in this blog that you've written about have you TOTALLY (or partially) changed your mind about?
Pornography. Prostitution. Are these
social blights, personal choice, victimless crimes, sexual enhancements?
ISIS had beheaded several of its captives, and immolated one. The videos can be found. Have you watched one (or more)? Why or why not?
you posted on National Pie Day last year – – but not this year. Are you no longer a pieist?
What are your thoughts on the Star Wars Clone Wars CGI TV series? Do you think they improved the Prequels?
I know you asked about it on a Wednesday question, but what do YOU think should have happened to Brian Williams? Do you think he lied, or did the brain distort the truth?
What do you think of Jon Stewart, in light of his retirement, and of Bob Simon (60 Minutes), in light of his death?
Blurred Lines lawsuit: good, or bad, outcome?
If someone in your family had Huntington's or a similar disease that runs in families, would YOU get tested?
What's the first rock/pop concert you ever attended?