Tag Archives: Ask Me Anything 2-2015

Answers, the third!

So, continuing to play catch-up with questions asked two months ago, reader Josh asks this: What are your thoughts on the Star Wars Clone Wars CGI TV series? Do you think they improved the Prequels? I really hate this question, … Continue reading

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Answers, the Second!

OK, what the heck happened? Well, here’s what: I kicked off Ask Me Anything at the worst possible time: when I was entering the toughest part of writing a novel. See, as a proud member of Team Pants when it … Continue reading

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Answers the First!

Well, I didn’t get a whole lot of questions for Ask Me Anything! this time around, but hey, you can still ask things, folks! Put them in comments (preferably on this post, as I like to have things in one … Continue reading

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Ask Me Anything! (A reminder)

Hey! Remember this? That’s right, it’s time for Ask Me Anything!, the February 2015 edition! Feel free to tweet your questions, or ask them on Facebook, or on Tumblr, or in e-mail, or in comments on this post. Bring ’em … Continue reading

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Ask Me Anything!!!

It’s February! That means, by long-standing tradition ’round these parts, that it’s time for my twice-yearly game of Ask Me Anything!. The rules are simple: you are to, well, ask me anything. Anything at all. Questions can be serious or … Continue reading

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