The Geekiverse is a website run by some Buffalo-Niagara region geeky folk, and I have joined their ranks as a writer/commentator! My main input over there will be a regular column called “Curios from the Outer Rim”, in which I’ll discuss older items of geeky interest (my arbitrary rule is at least 15 years old), hoping to shine some light on things whose initial interest levels have faded or which have even lapsed into a bit of obscurity.

My first installment is a response to one of The Geekiverse’s podcasts, which in turn discussed “The Best Summer Movies”. Future installments are on the way!

I also provided an article for the site about the 2018 Hugo Awards, which were just handed out this past Sunday at Worldcon in San Jose, CA.

Exciting things are afoot! Check out The Geekiverse!

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