I didn’t really plan to skip Tone Poem Tuesday or Something For Thursday this week, it just kinda happened. There’s this meme that I see go around social media every year around this time, referring how the time between Christmas and New Years tends to be this amorphous period when you’re not even sure what day it is, and that’s certainly true! I’m actually taking the entirety of this week off this year, and after some reflection a few days ago, I’m realizing that I haven’t taken this particular week completely off–meaning, no school or work–since my last year of high school. After that, I would have a part-time job where I’d work during this time while off from college, and after college itself, I was simply working. I always take some time off during the Holidays, but never the whole kaboodle, as it were…until now. Next year I’ll most likely return to some “fractured” time off during the holidays, as this year’s week off was aided and abetted by the fact that Christmas and New Year’s fall on Mondays. In 2024/2025 those days will be Wednesdays, so next year will like be back-to-back five-day weekends, instead of one solid week off.
(And honestly, that’s kind of how I prefer it, anyway. I rarely take my vacations as entire weeks off, unless we have a trip planned or for some reason I need to take it as an entire week. This goes back to when I was working in restaurants right out of college; it’s always been easier to structure my vacations as a combination of two very-short work weeks broken in the middle by a really long weekend. Even now, I found last week interminably long, leading up to my ten days off.)
But anyway, back to the point: the regular music features of this blog will return next week. Meanwhile, here’s something I just found a minute ago, and it’s seasonally appropriate:
(BTW, the title of this post makes no sense because I forgot to change it! I was going to actually feature something else here, a cover I just found of a favorite Christmas song, but then I decided to feature this because it showed up right after the thing I was going to feature. I did bookmark the original thing for next year’s Daily Dose, though! Fret not! I’m leaving the post title, though. Just because.)