Generally, Cane gets along pretty well with our two cats, Lester and Julio. Julio will actually walk up to Cane and head-butt him, where Lester’s relationship with Cane has a little “sibling rivalry” thing going on.
Well, here’s what happened tonight when Cane reached out and touched Lester.

Note that Cane is enjoying the hell out of this, and Lester is…not.

Poor Lester.
He stuck it out, though. When a cat doesn’t want to leave the warm space they’ve found, it takes a lot more than a mischievous greyhound touching their butt to get them to move. Eventually, though, Lester put his ears back, said “Eff this”, and ran upstairs.
Such is life at Casa Jaquandor!
Awww! Cane looks just like our Desdemona (Desi for short). Desi was technically a greyhound, but she knew she was a tall, very fast kitty.