UPDATE: As of 2-23-13, I’ve relocated and updated all of the content from this post to a new page on this blog, ‘A pie in the face is a wonderful thing’. Thanks!
pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face pie in the face
You're a nut. I might be willing to do that to someone if my crust turns out tough…other than that…the pie is mine…all mine…okay, maybe I'll share a slice with a few people. Thanks for the laugh.
Hey, if me liking a pie in the face is my strangest quirk, then…well, I'm not sure how to finish that thought. But thanks anyway! 🙂