It’s a mixed bag today, folks!

STARDANCER received a really nice review from the book blog Tea and Titles. Check it out: Four Things I Loved About STARDANCER!
The world is Stardancer is hugely detailed, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Kelly has thought of everything from food to customs to games, and none of it feels overdone or irrelevant. There’s this really beautiful scene where two of the characters are teaching each other their language—it’s one of the best scenes I’ve ever read. The best thing is that it’s very easy follow. Sci-Fi can be quite confusing at times, but I didn’t get lost in all the details here.
Read the whole thing, and then, if you haven’t read STARDANCER yourself, well, I think it’s time you started questioning your life choices!
That’s the good news. Next we have the not so great:

Sadly, Amongst the Stars (The Song of Forgotten Stars, Book III) is not going to be out in November. I simply have not been able to get the work done. I’m hoping for December, but January is looking more likely. I apologize to you all. I really want my readers to finally learn what’s been going on since we last left Princesses Tariana and Margeth and their trusty navigator, Lt. Rasharri!
Stay tuned, folks — the wait will be worth it, I promise!
(Now, why is the book delayed? Well, I hate to admit it, but I think that John Scalzi is on to something here….)
And in NaNo News….
My current WIP, the kayaking-meets-Greek-tragedy horror novel, has spun a wee bit longer than I expected at first, so I’m likely to spend the first part of NaNoWriMo finishing that. Then I will be onto my new space opera novel, which will be followed by Forgotten Stars IV, and then, way down the road, the second half of Seaflame!. So at least I know what I’m writing for a while. Also, I’m hoping to have the first John Lazarus novel (still trying to nail down a title) ready for release sometime next summer.
So that’s where we are for right now. If you haven’t read STARDANCER or THE WISDOMFOLD PATH, now would be a great time! AMONGST THE STARS is coming soon, folks! Just not quite so soon as I’d hoped. But soon!
Onward and upward! Zap! Pow!!