Lord, now that was a steamrolling. Holy crap. I’m still not sure that Belichick’s Boys of Ultimate Evil are going to go undefeated, but yeesh, they’ve probably got a better shot at it than anybody has in years.
Why am I not convinced that the Foxborough Hitlers are going to go 16-0? Because of the way the standings work out. They’ll clinch the AFC East with just one more win (probably this weekend), and assuming Indianapolis doesn’t lose again, they’ll clinch the top seed with four more wins, which would leave two meaningless games at the end of their schedule. Now, their last two games are one at home against Miami (no problem), but then on the road at the Giants, who may need that game for either playoff position or possibly even a division crown. And they could end up playing meaningless games sooner than that, if Indy loses again. So, you never know.

:: Kevin Everett is out of the hospital.
:: The game ended.

:: Al Michaels and John Madden, who acted like Buffalo’s City Hall is the single largest City Hall they’ve ever seen in their lives. Come on, guys. It would have been nice to hear them say, “That’s Buffalo’s City Hall, and let me tell you, that is one beautiful building, and this city is full of ’em.”
:: Again, JP Losman. It’s official, folks: I have given up on him. Not that I expected him to beat New England — that would have required, oh, some kind of event involving two snipers on the roof of Ralph Wilson Stadium, the ritual sacrifice of six goats, and a DVD of a Jerry Lewis movie — but can’t he at least complete short passes to open receivers? Apparently not, sadly enough.
Losman strikes me as a terrific guy, which makes this kind of sad for me. I didn’t just want him to succeed here because he was here, but because he’s genuinely likable. But sometime you just wanna win, you know?

:: Smuggy McBrady left the game with his knee intact. What somebody needs to do is send all eleven guys after him, on the game’s first play from scrimmage. Come on, remaining 2007 opponents of the New England Genghis Khans! Take him out! Do it for the children!
Next up: the Bills go to Jacksonville. Apparently JP Losman is still the starter, and Marshawn Lynch may still be out. Whoopee.
I take it you feel a bit strongly about this?
My husband watched most of this game and at one point said, “um, I think your blogger friend might be a bit cranky this next week. Better go gentle on him.”
It was pretty grim, eh?