I forgot about The Apprentice last night completely, owing to the presence of American Idol on FOX. I’ve found Apprentice mildly interesting, and I at least wanted to see if that guy who fell asleep on the job last week got fired this week. Well, I saw on this morning’s Today Show that this character did, in fact, get the axe. Strangely, he seemed perfectly normal and jovial this morning, whereas on The Apprentice he was depicted as a complete nutbar. I wonder which was “real”?
But, the news wasn’t all bad for this guy (Sam, I think his name was). He already owns his own company and on the Today Show, he proposed — live — to his girlfriend, who accepted. Awwwwww….my coffee’s empty. ‘Scuse me….
(Right now I’m wondering how many of my newer readers are suddenly learning about my TV viewing habits and recoiling in horror….)