A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

All the pizza’s gone but one slice. Everyone else claims to be full, but you could probably finish that one last piece.

Do you?

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7 Responses to A Random Wednesday Conversation Starter

  1. Roger Owen Green says:

    Yes. If they're lying, it's their own fault.

  2. Buffalopundit says:

    Depends on where the pizza's from. E.g., Zetti's – I eat it. Bocce – I'll pass.

  3. fillyjonk says:

    No, not if I'm sufficiently full. Pizza-belly is one of the minor but unpleasant ailments. I'd rather not be uncomfortable later in the evening.

    Usually I can manage 2, 3 at the most, slices, so I tend to get full pretty fast.

  4. Mark--> says:


    It's an axiom for life that no matter how much pizza and ice cream you have had, you should concentrate on getting more.

  5. Thee Earl of Obvious says:

    Hmm, depends who I was eating with;

    If I was sharing the pie with a limousine liberal, and considering I am slow on the draw, I would be forced to watch them stuff their face with the last piece while simultaneously shouting at me the need to make the pie smaller so that the underprivileged can have more of the pie.

    If I was sharing the pie someone who believed in entitlements I would be hesitant to ask for the last piece, for I am loathe to hear them talk about how little they got already.

    If I was sharing the pie with a religious zealot I suppose I would be force fed the last piece.

    If I was sharing the pie with a right wing conservative, I would hesitate to decline the last piece as I am certain they would call me a socialist for wanting to share.

    If I was sharing the pie with an ivory tower academic I would not be able to eat at all as my tongue would be swollen from biting it so hard.

  6. Lynn says:

    Probably. I would be a little bit embarrassed about taking the last piece and maybe I would feel guilty later about eating so much but I can eat a lot of pizza before I start feeling too full. That's a funny thing about pizza. If I'm eating a large hamburger or a typical restaurant plate of Mexican food I often start feeling overstuffed about two-thirds of the way through it but with pizza there seems to be almost no limit. (unfortunately)

  7. Geoff Valentine says:

    There's ALWAYS room for more pizza.

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