It’s time for links!
:: Still, if nothing else, this serves as a valuable object lesson: when you read this (well, if you can get through the entirety of it; it’s a joyless slog, all self-congratulation and abuse of no doubt multiple thesauri), you can take solace in the fact that this is a man who is, in fact, a professional writer, and who is living proof that a writing career has much more to do with work ethic than it does innate talent. (Ohhhh, boy. Good old John C. Wright, spouting the long-winded crazy, as always. I can’t push my way through that…I much prefer Wright’s short-form crazy. And don’t forget that according to him, by 2059 homosexuality will again be considered a form of mental illness!)
:: If you want to see how people’s fears and hopes for the world have changed over time, pick up a range of Star Trek novels. (Huh. I stopped reading tie-in novels years ago, although there are a few I wouldn’t mind checking out at some point….)
:: Of course, no one is their right mind in this home-baking house of perfectionism would spend good money on such a thing as a frozen banana cream pie. (Well, frozen pies do have their uses…of which they already discovered the finest!)
More next week!