Linkage! Some of these are new to me, blogs by folks I’ve met through Instagram.
I am, in the end, just me. (Aren’t we all? Labels are such a pain in the ass…but they make talking about stuff so much easier. Weird.)
:: Kat Dennings is an almost-perfect choice for Maddy. She is witty and sarcastic, but can turn on the dramatic when the scenes call for a bit of seriousness. Although Maddy is described as only 5’1, Kat’s curves are exactly how I pictured my MC when I wrote her character. (I can’t say I haven’t pictured Kat Dennings as the older of the two Princesses In SPACE!!! [not the actual title], but I haven’t mentally cast her, either, mainly because she’s likely unconvincingly old for that part. Alas!)
:: My father loved to write crap down. He’d dream up some idea or another, and he’d jot it down in one of a half-dozen little notebooks he used to carry around with him. I remember one time as a kid when I asked him about something, and to answer me he produced one of his older notebooks. Hell, I can’t remember what it was I asked. But I clearly remember him ruffling through page after page of drawings and scribbles, trying to find the answer. He paused on one page, which contained a crude (but surprisingly precise) drawing of a suitcase with two different kinds of wheels on it. “I really should’ve done something about that,” he said, tacitly suggesting he’d scooped the originator’s patent. (At work, I always carry a notepad with me. Always. I have to. If I’m working in one part of the store and I realize I need to cut a piece of material, it’s easier to take my measurement on site, jot it down, and go make the cut. That’s just one example. Oddly, I don’t carry any kind of notepad around when I’m just me, being Joe Blow Writer Dude out and about. This seems odd, but it occurs to me that I rarely have any big writing ideas when I’m out and about being Joe Blow Writer Dude. I’ve come to a point where The Muse seems to only drive by and chuck shit out the window at me when he knows I’m gonna be right here, ass in chair, banging away on the keyboard.)
More next week!
I should say (all the time) that I'm honored when I make your pages!