:: Pick your favorite liquor—the one that makes you loose and happy, not upchucking into a clothes dryer. Get comfortable. Light a candle. Have two drinks. Slide down in your chair. And then gently place your fingertips on the hot, slick… buttons of your keyboard. If you’ve never written a sex scene before, you’re probably going to be either terrified or embarrassed, and both of those emotions are a lot easier to swallow when mixed with vodka. (Yipes! I’m not sure I’ll ever write about the actual Act of Teh Sex. There really are areas where I’m a prude, I think! Those Princesses won’t be having any Space Sex any time soon, I can tell you that. I’ll send to a Space Nunnery first! via, by the way.)
:: Personal Top 10 Kaiju lists are things that need documenting. (How did I miss the boat on this? By spending too much time writing, that’s how. Stupid writing.)
More next week!