Returning to the Song Challenge, it’s a song from my pre-teen years! I wasn’t sure how to define this–after all, a song from 1972, when I was pushing one year old, was definitely “pre-teen”, strictly speaking. But I think they’re referring to the “tweener” category, when you’re 11 or 12. As my tweener period coincides very nicely with the arrival on the scene of MTV, here’s one of the very first songs I ever encountered in “music video” form. (Although we didn’t even have MTV at our house until several years later, because it took our town that long to run cable out that far on the road where we lived. For several years my sole exposure to MTV came during visits and sleepovers at a friend’s house.)
Anyway, here’s the sublimely goofy early 80s icon Adam Ant, with “Goody Two Shoes”.