Sunday Burst of Weirdness

Oddities abound…but I didn’t see many of them, as I spent less time online this past week owing to a minor cold that inconvenienced me a bit. Oh well.

:: But here’s a site that aggregates Star Wars-related photographic oddity. This cracked me up:

As did this:

And how about “Silent Era Star Wars“:

And then there’s this:


:: On a non-Star Wars vein, here’s a ridiculously bad-ass looking hand tool. No, I won’t get one. The price tag is really steep and I’d really not have a use for it, but still — that’s hard core toolage!

More next week.

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One Response to Sunday Burst of Weirdness

  1. fillyjonk says:

    I LOVE that second one. I can imagine them all head-bobbing in the next frame.

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