Tag Archives: History

“The personality of the photographer, his approach, is really more important than his technical genius.” –Lee Miller

Sheila O’Malley has a typically amazing post about photographer Lee Miller, about whom I need to learn more because she is fascinating and because of photography: Much of her history was erased through decades of obscurity and a total and … Continue reading

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On the Romance of Old Maps

Roger wrote a lovely post the other day about old maps: When I was growing up, my grandfather, McKinley Green, gave me the maps included in his subscription to National Geographic magazine. I still have many of those old maps … Continue reading

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“Dick, sometimes I understand why they hate you.” Nixon, 30 years gone

A few days after Richard Nixon died (on this date, 1994), I was out riding around with my father as he did some errands. We stopped at the post office in the town where we lived, and Dad noticed that … Continue reading

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Overalls in history….

Here’s something I never knew about! Fascinating story, this.  

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Sixty years….

On this date in 1963, Maestro Erich Leinsdorf was to take the podium in Boston….  

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“A vision in splendor of the great kings of old”

For lack of anything better to post today, here’s a rundown of the British monarchy, all the way back. Note Edward VIII, saying a hearty “Nope!” to the whole thing. Full-size version here. (And if you’re the artist, let me … Continue reading

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