Oh look, somebody left a blog here.
Yes, folks, it’s been the usual set of reasons for low posting here: focus on getting edits done on a book, plus some very busy days at work owing to an important event we’re hosting next week (I worked 46.5 hours last week, with one day going 13 hours), plus an irritating late-summer cold that started off mild but then mustered itself into Serious Pain In The Ass territory for the entire week. And oh, the week I was sick was also the week I worked 46.5 hours, so even though I have since had a three-day-weekend and seen the workload drop off to more manageable levels, in a lot of ways I’m still recovering.
The digging out continues…but here’s a small list of things I’ve published recently over on The Geekiverse over the last few months:
Twenty Years of The Phantom Menace
The Real Ranking of the STAR WARS movies
The Best Fictional Clubs, Bars, and Restaurants
Apollo at 50
Farewell, MAD Magazine
Reviews: On a Sunbeam, Tillie Walden
The Secret History of Wonder Woman, Jill Lepore
Runaway Max: A STRANGER THINGS Novel, Brenna Yovanoff
I really do hope to return to regular posting here, folks. The last few weeks did not cooperate….
To quote John Sebastian, "welcome back."