Thirty Nine!!!

Thirty-nine years ago today, George Lucas was sitting at his desk, working on something, when he got a strange feeling. He looked up, away from his work, and glanced out the window at the dusky sky. He couldn’t quite put his finger on why, but he made a note on his “To Do” list: Look into how to get a restraining order.

Now, why he did this on the day of my birth, I have no idea….

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5 Responses to Thirty Nine!!!

  1. SK Waller says:

    Happy Birthday –hope you have a great day and an even better year!

  2. Glenn Whidden says:

    Happy birthday. 39 is a great birthday. I've been 39 for several birthdays now. Oh Rochester!

  3. Jason says:

    Happy birthday, my online friend!

  4. M. D. Jackson says:

    Many Happy Returns, Kelly, you young whipper snapper, you!

  5. Roger Owen Green says:

    Happy birthday! Glad you liked my present!

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