It’s been a busy and hectic several days here, what with The Store ramping up for Thanksgiving and an annual visit from the people whose name is on the front of the building, to pounding out words for NaNoWriMo (I’m on track, yay me!), and having a cold the last few days. So I forgot to post anything at all.
It’s not a tone poem, it’s a waltz. But it is a tone poem. I’d explain, but I’ve had some rum and I’d rather just listen to the music. So here is the greatest waltz of all time, On the Beautiful Blue Danube, in the wonderful video from the New Years From Vienna a few years back when they intercut the performance with video taken from the Danube from source to where it empties into the Black Sea.
There’s not a single day of the year when I couldn’t listen to this piece and not feel better about the world.